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Flashcard #13: Using shortcut icons; working with text; deleting text & graphics; inserting text |
Susie Tutor says:
"Shortcut icons can be helpful when your working with text. For example, you can use them to cut and paste!" |
Click on this icon to create a new document.
Highlight some text, then click the "cut" icon. Put your cursor where you want to "paste" & click the paste icon. Make a mistake? Click this icon to reverse your last action! Click on this icon to print out your document. |
TWO IMPORTANT KEYS Use the backspace key: to delete text to the left of the cursor or insertion point. Use the delete key: to delete text to the right of the insertion point or to delete highlighted text or graphics (pictures). |
Beware! of hitting the insert key by accident! If letters disappear as you try to insert text, you probably hit it! |
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